Online Personal Training

Regular price $999.00

First and foremost, I've been a Certified Personal Trainer (NCCA accreditation) since 2008 in the New England area and have been online personal training for just as long. I rarely offer in-person training sessions anymore but there are exceptions to this so if you are interested in an in-person training session please contact me at to discuss your options. I would like to also note that I put a lot of time and effort into my online training programs, there is no BS here. I create 100% of these plans.

Here is what you will receive if you select:

Help me lose weight! This is a complete program for any male or female that will give you a calorie range for your goals (how many calories/how much fat/carbs/grams) to eat, a workout program with list of exercises for you to do based off what you can do (if you have any injuries I will give you alternatives to each), and some tips/tricks I've learned throughout my time in this field to make things easier. If you follow the program you are GUARANTEED to lose weight.

Help me gain muscle! This is a complete program for any male or female that will give you a calorie range for your goals (how many calories/how much fat/carbs/grams) to eat, a workout program with list of exercises for you to do based off what you can do (if you have any injuries I will give you alternatives to each), and some tips/tricks I've learned throughout my time in this field to make things easier. If you follow the program you are GUARANTEED to gain muscle.

I just need a meal plan! A macro/meal plan catered to your goals (weight gain, loss, or maintenance) that will give you the macros/meal suggestions to help you gain, lose, or maintain weight, fat, or muscle without needing to eat bland, boring food 6 times a day (unless of course you want to do that then you'll have that option too). I'm not here to sell you a gimmicky macro/meal plan or current trend, I like to consider my plans "teaching plans" which will help you UNDERSTAND what you're doing and why.

1-on-1 Training with Derek! This is my most customized program catered towards YOUR goals. Your program will be based off of a conversation we have and questionnaire that you fill out and because of this I only take on so many clients per year, it's MUCH more in-depth.

After you sign up you'll receive an e-mail from me, we'll discuss a few things, I'll answer any questions you may have, and then you'll fill out the questionnaire. The benefit of this complete program over my other plans/programs is that EVERYONE is different and reacts differently to different types of training/nutrition. There is no "one size fits all" and going 1-on-1 allows me to learn your body, how you react, and then give you the tools to reach your goals the quickest way possible while teaching you throughout the process!

NOTE: After purchasing any of these I'll e-mail you a questionnaire (not immediate) that we'll use to determine what YOUR goals are and go from there.